It feels like the perfect time to share stories about paying with a credit card in Europe, posting ads on Craigslist for jobs, and the return on investment when hiring and scaling VA’s to customer assistants. Phil then talks about one of his first jobs and an undercover agent to now owning the largest medical blood sample company. Listen to the end to hear why he travels on the cheap as a millionaire.
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Episode 126 Show Notes
Phil's - YouTube Channel
Full Travel Guide - Bulgaria
Modern Investing Podcast - Invest Like a Boss
Professional Photographer - Kurty Photography
Time Stamp - Topic:
02:00 - Recording in between two countries
04:00 - Our first day traveling Bucharest
07:10 - A hot female guard with an AK47
11:10 - Bulgaria travel guide
14:00 - Paying with a credit card in Europe
16:30 - Half way through passport border control
18:00 - Posting an ad on Craigslist for $3 an hour
23:05 - Having a VA walk customers through a sale
26:00 - Invest Like a Boss with future potential growth
28:15 - Scaling and delegation to buy time to travel
30:50 - Working as an undercover agent
34:00 - Starting the largest medical blood sample company
36:00 - Traveling on the cheap as a millionaire
40:00 - The mindset of people with money
45:45 - Making more money then you can spend
47:45 - Spending $10k a night in Fort Lauderdale Florida
49:45 - Traveling Like a Boss in Europe
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