At the end of the episode Johnny shares his 3 travel secrets on the best way phone data plans and international sims, how to pay zero ATM fees when withdrawing money abroad and what to do to make sure your Paypal account doesn't get frozen when logging in from random countries.
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Episode 123 Show Notes

Ep 76 - The Perfect Plan Moving to Thailand
Charles swab - How to Not get F*cked by your Bank
Johnny FD - Facebook
How to Start a Dropshipping store:
My new course: Dropship Lab
Time Stamp - Topic:
01:01 - The digital nomad scene in Columbia
05:20 - Starting a dropshipping business
10:30 - Google Adsense pennies per click
13:30 - Making $5k per month on Dropshipping
14:00 - Hiring a VA to earn more income
16:12 - Belgium Brussels multicultural environment
22:40 - Stereotypes of Poland
24:15 - Free Wifi and $5 4g LTE sim card
25:30 - Vodka and water costs
26:15 - Why I don’t drink bottle water
29:00 - Finding the perfect place for a digital nomad
31:00 - Working for minimum wage in the U.S.
34:30 - How to find success
36:00 - Third best restaurant in Krakow Poland
38:15 - Flying for $20 a flight
39:45 - Dating women in U.S vs Poland
43:40 - Traveling tips / International sim card
48:50 - Traveling tips / Withdrawing money with Charles Schwab
52:00 - Traveling tips / Properly using Paypal accounts
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